Enormous amount of Tenants chasing fewer Homes
Rents are currently racing upwards with rises of over 10% recently.
This trend is likely to continue as some Landlords have sold up creating the rental shortage and huge Tenant competition.
Economic worries have meant more potential Buyers have decided to keep renting.
New Housing severe shortages, which are likely to last considerably.
Your Capital Needs to Grow Especially After You Retire
Inflation and income production / Capital growth are especially now ever so important.
Rented properties continuously work for you and you can always re-finance the release Tax “Free” Equity of which some could be utilised to acquire more Properties.
No limit to how high or long Properties will return for you.
Flexibility of Property Investing
Constant Capital Growth.
Constant positive Income Streams.
Absolute Control.
Can be obtained whenever is suitable for you.
Buy To Let Still Profitable
Rents consistently increasing.
Maximise tax allowances and Profits.
Proven formula.
Security of Buy to Let
Solid Asset.
Demand for Homes is increasing.
Hopefully the above gives you a succinct flavour of our Opinions, although we are not Financial Advisors.
Please call us at your earliest opportunity to discuss any of the above so we can help you further.
Thank you.
Russell Owen, LLB Hons
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